Friday, February 20, 2009

This is a picture of sugar. Yeah I know your thinking why I have a picture of sugar of some sugar well that gets me to my point. I have diabetes. Diabetes is led by having too little or too much glucose in your pancreas. So still to answer the question I need people to help me. Maybe the picture can be a little confusing but you see my point though. On the other side I need someone to interview I don't care if you're a crackhead (please don't be) but I need one for my graduation project and you have to be in my area of Pittsburgh.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


There are many different schools that I know have a student body with Diabetes. I also know, just because you are in school you have a lot of stress on your hand. When a person has so much work to do, that they feel like there going to explode and thats a person I need to interview from school.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

New Thing

Im trying to find a diabetes expert that I can interview that is from my area. I am from Pittsburgh PA and I live on the east side so if there is anyone close please let me know or email me at and I would really be interested in that. Also, I want to interview people that have diabetes that also have alot of stress on their hand just living with it because you probably feel like me. I am very depressed at times and I think that there are more people in this world who want to know other people's opinions on their stress that is diabetes related.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Work Cited

I am finish with my work cited finally and I think I have to do my Did you know questions. I didnt know we had to do that and I need examples of it and when you come to my blog please do my survey about Diabetes because it can give me a clue on who is what and why what happened.