Wednesday, September 16, 2009


So this is what I have right now.
-My Outline is 50% done
-My interview that is getting ready to happen in a minute
-Start setting up for my brochure
-ask the nurse how we can get my brochure in the office

Friday, September 4, 2009


So right now I am on the right track. What I am trying to do is just use the video camera to do the whole project. Here is the layout:
-Start by asking the questions in the interviews
-Start talking about how my project relates to me
-Figure out how I am going to do this walk a thon
-Give my survey to people to see what they think
Thats all!!! But the thing is that I want to make sure that it would go right because I know how to work these cameras and I can get it throughout the project but it just cant be all about me. I am also trying to record the Walk to and ask questions why I am there.