Thursday, October 8, 2009

AlMoSt ThErE

What I need to finish is my literature paper and do something with my action plan and I should be done.

Friday, October 2, 2009

WhAt I nEeD aNd WaNt

So I started on my literture paper and I think its going alright. This weekend I am going to gt help from my cousin Jordan because she knows things and she can help me figure out an action plan because I dont have one right now and lord knows that I need IMMEDIATELY!!! But on the same token, I actually got done with my outline (yaaaah for me) And I am about to have my interview at Childrens so I dont have to worry about that. So the only things I have to still do is:
  • Get my interviews
  • finish my literary review
  • Create my action plan with the brochure
  • Then present my project

Once im done with all this I will be done and I will be walking across the stage.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


So this is what I have right now.
-My Outline is 50% done
-My interview that is getting ready to happen in a minute
-Start setting up for my brochure
-ask the nurse how we can get my brochure in the office

Friday, September 4, 2009


So right now I am on the right track. What I am trying to do is just use the video camera to do the whole project. Here is the layout:
-Start by asking the questions in the interviews
-Start talking about how my project relates to me
-Figure out how I am going to do this walk a thon
-Give my survey to people to see what they think
Thats all!!! But the thing is that I want to make sure that it would go right because I know how to work these cameras and I can get it throughout the project but it just cant be all about me. I am also trying to record the Walk to and ask questions why I am there.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

AlMoSt DoNe WiTh ScHoOl

Wow the day has really come to see that we are almost done with school. This graduation project is really going to be done by next year. Everything!!! I will have my profile, my interviews, my set up board and I will have a person that I really trust to be in my project room with me. I will have my two good friends (which are Teresa, La'Vashia, and Rickesha) Have them in there and they will see how I did mine. Ask questions reguarding any questions that they might have. Then I will present and see where it takes me.

Monday, March 16, 2009

ToDaY wHaTs GoInG oN????

Well today in class I didnt really accomplish much because there were websites that wouldnt let me inside of them. Some of them were blocked and I need some pictures to show about diabetes and they wouldnt come up. Things that I did accomplish is I got my folder and everything organized and I found more information.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Diggin Deeper

Okay my grandfather and grandmother on different sides of the family have Diabetes. One is stubborn because she won't get dialysis to make her feel better and everyone wants her to get it but she won't. (Grandmother on my dads side of the family) The other one was too stubborn to go to the hospital to see what was wrong with his foot and found out that he had to get his foot removed on his right side and all his toes on his left. All this I know it is very stressful to them and it is making it harder for people like me the has diabetes to cope because I don't want to have the complications as them. Here is another question that I have in mind: How can you convince yourself that diabetes is not your life and how you can control it without being stressed out?

Friday, February 20, 2009

This is a picture of sugar. Yeah I know your thinking why I have a picture of sugar of some sugar well that gets me to my point. I have diabetes. Diabetes is led by having too little or too much glucose in your pancreas. So still to answer the question I need people to help me. Maybe the picture can be a little confusing but you see my point though. On the other side I need someone to interview I don't care if you're a crackhead (please don't be) but I need one for my graduation project and you have to be in my area of Pittsburgh.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


There are many different schools that I know have a student body with Diabetes. I also know, just because you are in school you have a lot of stress on your hand. When a person has so much work to do, that they feel like there going to explode and thats a person I need to interview from school.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

New Thing

Im trying to find a diabetes expert that I can interview that is from my area. I am from Pittsburgh PA and I live on the east side so if there is anyone close please let me know or email me at and I would really be interested in that. Also, I want to interview people that have diabetes that also have alot of stress on their hand just living with it because you probably feel like me. I am very depressed at times and I think that there are more people in this world who want to know other people's opinions on their stress that is diabetes related.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Work Cited

I am finish with my work cited finally and I think I have to do my Did you know questions. I didnt know we had to do that and I need examples of it and when you come to my blog please do my survey about Diabetes because it can give me a clue on who is what and why what happened.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Got questions

Diabetes and Stress

My Essential Question: How can a person living with diabetes control their stress?

Foundation Questions
· Where does stress start?
· Where did it come from?
· How would stress impact on diabetes?
· Can you have different diabetes related complications do to stress?
· Can stress cause diabetes?
· When did Diabetes first appear?
· Does diabetes and stress affect your active and productive day?
· When you have stress, does your body start to shake when you have diabetes and does it make your sugar fluctuate?
· Who mentioned the word of diabetes and stress?
· What makes people get stressed other diabetes?
· Has stress mixed with diabetes kill anybody?

Thursday, January 22, 2009


I am very tired right now but I know something though... Its hard to find websites for my topic. I think I want to change but I dont want to have the same thing as everybody else. So far I found information on my topic and I am going to write what I put down when I'm done.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Whenever I have my questions I will post them and then I will keep you posted on what I found on my findings of my question to anwer them. ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Thursday, January 15, 2009

For Today

So today in class we are going to find out the question that we want to find different answers to. When we find the question then we can get started on how we can get our project together. When I do my project its going to be about Diabetes and STRESS!!! Who doesnt have stress and nowadays who doesnt have Diabetes because the world is having a whole lot of health problems and they need to overcome the health problems but then you have your stress factors that you want to overthrough to.